Cayla Kluver „Wicket Wants“ (interactive storyline) – 2**

I got the ARC „Wicked Wants“ by Cayla Kluver via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I23627976 think “Wicket Wants” was my 2nd or 3rd interactive book and I was so not thrilled about it. It took me about 20 minutes to read the story I wanted to read and that is not enough for me. I want an arch, a storyline with a plot. And in this one wasn’t even a real storyline. I was so disappointed.

The storyline is rather easy. Elizabeth has to marry somebody her dad picked but is in love with the neighbor son. Her love writes her a message to meet her but she met her future husband before and is fascinated by him because he is that good looking. So she doesn’t go to the midnight meeting but meets him the next day and he abuses her. She tells Edward, her to-be-husband about this event and the guy is arrested.

And Elizabeth is so very shallow. There are two scenes I remember – her being tight into her corset much too tightly and the description of her wedding gown. In my novels I read now that brides didn’t wear white for their wedding and suddenly there is a bride in white and gold? I don’t know ….

I mean where is the thrill in this story? There is none. And I was so disappointed that I didn’t even try another arch. I picked the “chapters” in which her marriage to Edward seems to be preferred.

A story that takes me 20 minutes to read isn’t worth the money in my opinion if I want to read a whole book. So no interactive storylines for me anymore.

Rating: 2**