Darcy Burke „The Duke of Daring“ 4**** @darcyburke

30131710.jpg*I got this ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.”

We all know Darcy Burke if it comes to historical romance, don’t we? And we all love her? Well this story will make you love her.

Lucinda Parnell lives with her grandma in a small house in London. She already had a couple of unsuccessful seasons and kind of enjoyed being a wallflower because this way she wasn’t forced into marriage. Now their funds are gone, her dead lost most of them because of his gambling problem before he died, and her grandma wants her to marry, so she can retire to a small cottage near Bath. But Lucy has no plan to get married, on the contrary. She wants to stay with her grandma.

Andrew Wentworth, the Earl of Dartford, so short “Dart”, is the only surviving member of is family. He lost all of them to an illness. He feels empty and alone that’s why he decided to fly with ah hot-air balloon and he wants to parachute. On the other hand he loves to gamble and bet on things.

In desperate need of funds Lucy dresses up as a man and submerges into the hells of London to win what she needs. And her costume is good, nobody notices that there is a woman underneath – except for Dart. But he doesn’t blow her cover but helps her to win, introduces her to other bets, his friends … of course it gets dangerous.

Oh this was a nice story! I really enjoyed the details of Lucy’s costume and how she became a man, when he told her to act differently to be not that feminine -adorable. But in the end, I don’t know, things fell into place too smoothly. Even with the blackmailing and everything it wasn’t realistic enough for me but too Disney style – the happily ever after.

Nevertheless I really liked the book a lot!
